Test your eligiblity
Please answer the following questions

Please provide your age
When do you need glasses?
Test your eligiblity
Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding?
Do you know about amblyopia?
Other ophthalmic information that you consider important. (if any)
Personal data
Please provide your contact details accurately so we can inform you of your results and contact you.
We will contact you on this phone number regarding the test results.
What time can we reach you?
(You can choose more from the given options)
Preferred location for the Examination *
Promotional code (if any)
Test your eligiblity
We regret to inform you:
You are not suitable for vision correction surgery!
You are not suitable for vision correction surgery!
Thank you for your interest.
Based on the data provided in the online test, you are unfortunately not suitable for vision correction surgery.
We have sent a detailed explanation to your email address.
If you have further questions, please contact us at our contact details.

Test your eligiblity
You are eligible for <span class="result-txt"></span> vision correction surgery!
We will contact you soon about the details and to schedule an appointment.
We have sent a confirmation and a <strong>coupon discount to your email address</strong>.
Vizsgálatra jelentkezés
Köszönjük jelentkezését!
Kollégánk hamarosan felveszi Önnel a kapcsolatot, hogy egyeztethessék a vizsgálat időpontját és részleteit.
Regisztrációjának visszaigazolását és kuponkedvezményét elküldtük e-mail címére.